
Part A: Set up accounts in MongoDB Atlas and ZEIT Now

There will be a number of things you’ll need to note down for later, eg, paths, names, connection strings etc. I recommend keeping a running note of these as you go along: all my brain is inside Evernote.

Step 1: Sign up for free account with MongoDB Atlas

  • create and set up a free ‘cluster’
  • choose Cloud Provider & Region, I chose the Free Tier from Ireland
  • choose Cluster Tier, I chose M0 Sandbox (the free forever tier)
  • choose Cluster Name, I kept the suggested ‘Cluster0’
  • finally, click ‘Create Cluster’ button at the bottom of the page (currently this seems to take a few minutes to create), go and make a cuppa

Step 2: Sign up for free ZEIT Now account

  • provides very easy deployment process
  • can use Github or Gitlab integration, or just an email
  • profile settings, choose a <username>
  • Github integration setup - via ‘Integrations’ top menu
  • in terminal, install the Now CLI with npm install -g now (any of your repositories will be able to deploy to ‘now’)